Historic trip by Crown Prince Rex’s Pahlavi to Israel

he date of Monday, April 17, 2023 has become a special day in Iran-Israel relations, which potentially entails a bright future, not only for Iranians and Israelis, but probably for many others in the turbulent region of the Middle East. On this day Prince Reza Pahlavi II made a historic and important trip to Israel, accompanied by his wife, Yasmin. The importance of this trip is multi-dimensional.
First, it was made by an Iranian leader, heir to the last Shah, who by far enjoys support of Iranians inside and outside more than any other Iranian figure.
Second, it showed RP II as a charismatic and wise statesman, fully aware of the national interests of Iran, fit and most qualified to lead Iran and the Iranian people towards a bright future.
Third, in sharp contrast to the Islamic regime in Iran that wishes to wipe out the State of Israel from the map of the world, by his visit of Israel and meetings with its leaders RP II showed his acceptance of Israel’s right to exist, recognized as a viable state.
Fourth, visiting Jewish and Baha’i sites and meeting with their representatives and community members (especially Jews of Iran living in Israel), RP II showed his respect to religious groups whose co-religionists form religious minority groups in Iran.
Fifth, contrary to Islamic regime’s Holocaust denial, RP II’s visit of Yad va-Shem – the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem – was a full recognition of it and of its existence.
Sixth, visiting the victims of the terrorist group, RP II took a big step towards condemning terrorism, a terrorism which is being fed by the same hand that oppresses the people of Iran, namely the Islamic regime in Iran.
Seventh, the trip showed the deep love of Iranian Jews in Israel for Iran, Iranian culture and its past history. And finally, this trip showed that the Iranian and Israeli peoples share the same enemies and common national interests, thus laying a solid base for the renewal and revival of the friendly relations which they enjoyed in the past.
“No to Antisemitism” Organization supports this courageous step, which has been taken by Prince RP II, and calls upon all those who support peace and security, stability and prosperity, friendship and amity among nations, and oppose the forces of violence, war, destruction and terror, to fully support this initiative taken by Prince RP II and to nourish its roots.