مشاهده منو

پخش زنده
زمان انتشار: 05/11/2024

We condemn the execution of young Iranian Jew, Arvin Ghahrmani

At dawn on Monday, November 4, 2024, Arvin Nethanel Ghahrmani, a young Iranian Jew, was executed by the Islamic Republic. This has caused a great shock among all Iranians. The Islamic regime in Iran relies on the executions and repression of its people to stay in power.

“No to Anti-Semitism” which has been pursuing the case of this young Jew for the past several months, has repeatedly warned about the illegal process of Arvin’s case and considers his execution as a case of ” murder by state” due to  “anti-Semitism” and vehemently condemns this action by the Islamic regime. 

 “No to Anti-Semitism” declares that the published information about Arvin Garhamani’s case has had many contradictions and ambiguities, and due to ideological reasons, this young Jew has become a victim of the system of discrimination and anti-Semitism in Iran.

 It should be noted that the killing apparatus of the Islamic Republic government has handed over tens of thousands of people to the death squad since its establishment, but when a non-Shiite person is executed, the issue becomes even more sensitive due to Islamic penal laws. The punishment is different for members of  non Shia communities. “In the Islamic Penal Code, retribution is considered for the punishment of the murderer if the victim is a Muslim, but in the same law, if the victim is from a religious minority (non-Muslim), the punishment for the murderer is Diya (Equivalent to payment of a fine).

Another legal difference and discrimination against non-Muslim citizens in Iran is the issue of testimony in court, which does not accept the testimony of non-Muslims against Muslims.

 “No to Anti-Semitism” emphasizes that the details of Arvin Garhamani’s case are not completely clear, but what is certain is the conditions of Islamic courts for non-Shiite citizens, which are oppressive according to Islamic penal laws and are rejected in today’s civilized world. We ask the United Nations, all human rights organizations and all the governments of the world to condemn the execution of Arvin Ghahemani, and also ask for removal of the anti-human laws of Islamic punishment in Iran, and to bring the perpetrators to justice in international courts.


